Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Recipe: Aloo Chole Pulao

I am very fond of this dish called Aloo Chole Pulao at Urban Tadka in Mumbai ( 7 Bungalows)and wanted to try it on my own. Today, I felt like trying it out. Looked up on the Net for recipes (I am a big fan of food blogs and try out some stuff once in a while) but couldnt find a good enough recipe. So came up with my own. So, here's the recipe..

1 cup chole (soaked 5-6 hours earlier and boiled with salt)
1 1/2 cup basmati rice
2 potatoes chopped into small pieces and fried
2 onions- fried
2 tbsp Green chilli-ginger-garlic paste
1 tsp ghee
1 cup chopped tomatoes
Oil for frying the potatoes and onions
Bayleaf,black pepper, cloves
1/2 tsp turmeric
Chopped Coriander for garnishing.

1. Soak rice for 1 hour. Cook it on an open flame. Add a dollop of ghee, the bayleaf and the pepper and cloves to the rice while it is being cooked.
2. Fry the potatoes in little oil. Use the same oil to fry the onions.
3. Separately, cook the chole in a pressure cooker.
4. In a shallow pan, heat some oil (i used the leftover oil from the onion and potato frying). Add the chilli-ginger-garlic paste. Then add the chopped tomatoes. Allow them to cook a bit. Then, add the chole and the turmeric. Cook for a couple of minutes more.
5. Take a glass serving bowl. Spread a layer of the cooked rice, then add a layer of the chole gravy, then a sprinkling of the fried potatoes. Repeat this layering. Then garnish with coriander.Serve hot. you can eat it as it is or have dahi or raita with it.

The pulao was YUMMY! The husband pronounced it very good :)
I should have taken a picture. will remember next time when I am trying out something new.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

About us and this blog...

I am Ankita Diwekar-Kabra, a software engineer and a MBA. I run a preschool in Surat called Fountainhead Preschool along with my husband Vardan Kabra The school is in its 3rd year of operation with 175 + kids.
My main areas of interest in education are curriculum development and teachers' training.My other interests include reading, music, traveling and recently cooking!!!
BTW, Vardan and I have a new addition to our family. Sunay Kabra is all of 2 months, active, energetic and growing everyday. We are thoroughly enjoying our new role as parents- nappy changing, potty cleaning et al.

Am going to use this blog as a general one.. talk about work, life, Sunay, maybe share recipes etc.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Me too a blogger

So I finally did what I was intending to do since a long time... get my own blog!!
Will keep updating it about life, school and Sunay (my son)