Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dance like no one's watching...

There's a small phrase which goes like this:
Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
Dance like nobody's watching,
Sing like nobody's listening,
Live like it's heaven on earth.

So, if I would have a checklist where I have ticked what all I have done, I am happy to say that all the lines above are checked.

I have worked passionately, loved recklessly, sang loudly and cheerily and lived like there's no tomorrow!

And yesterday, at my aerobics session, I danced like nobody was watching!. It started on a dancy note when I read Mettakau talk about the new song from Delhi - Masakali. I downloaded it from the Net (a first for me when @ work) and also saw the promo video on youtube. Sonam Kapoor loooks charming and carefree. I was on a high listening to such a nice number and also played it at work on full volume 3-4 times

In the evening, at my aerobics class, we had some very nice music on and some excellent choreography to go with it. I enjoyed in throughly, the intensity and pace, the variation in speed (dance slowly and then dance really fast). I also realised that to dance like no one;s watching, you have to really let go, love yourself and think that you can put Madhuri Dixit to shame with your moves.I did all that and danced like no one was watching! But watching she was, my aerobics instructor and she promoted me to head of the class (Yippee and also made me feel like Monica from Friends)

So, worn out and tired though I was at the end of it, it was a great day. And the checklist is complete. All checked. And I will continue to check it again and again to live life the way its meant to be lived!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Random post of random thoughts!

1. The Bollywood buff that I am, I was totally deprived of movies since the last 1.5 years but not anymore! Have completed my backlog of movies that I wanted to watch- Dostana, Rab ne.., Ghajini, A Wednesday, Khuda Ke liye and dil Kabaddi (currently a work in progress)
2. Have started disciplining Sunay from this week on not playing with food. It is easy to raise voice by a few decibels, put on a disapproving look and admonish him for his food play. The tough part is to resist smiling when he gets upset when I do that (pouts, fills eyes with tears and looks around as to who in the room will support him).
3. Last few weeks have been great workwise. Reason being one day in every week has been a chutti.
4. Sunay's current favorite songs- Desi girl and Dance pe chance

Enough randomness for now!

Have a great weekend people!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ghajini- Some thoughts

I saw Ghajini yesterday. Thankfully, my expectations were quite low. So, in that sense, it did not disappoint.
Some thoughts on the movie:
1.You never know when life takes a U-turn: One incident in your life can change it forever. The transition of Sanjay Singhania, the suave businessman to maniac serial killer was probably a filmi exaggeration but in real life too, i have seen some cases where an incident has scarred people for life. It takes tremendous will power and courage to get on with life in such cases.
2. Poor character sketches of Asin and Jiah Khan: First, Asin- How can someone be so sensitive and immature at the same time? What was all that animated talk? chatar chatar patar patar... very annoying to say the least! One doesnt encounter such overenthusiastic, over bubbly people in real life. Jiah Khan's character was too dumb and impulsive for a 3rd year medical student.
3. Songs: Songs have been randomly plugged in, especially the Bachhu song
4. Mental illnesses are scary- One can live with a broken limb or one eye but to lose your mental faculty is sad!

At the end of the day, though it qualifies as a hatke movie, it still qualifies as those types where you leave your brains at home when you go for the movie (the 5 lakh ka cheque unexplained etc)

Our Bollywood directors really have to think through their movies and take care of logical, glaring flaws! And Aamir, I though you ghost directed your movies. What happened this time? Did working on those eight pack abs (nice!) take all your time and energy?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dumbledore gyaan

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

Harry Potter, one of my mostest favouritest books has this quote. How profound! And then some people think that Harry Potter is a kid's book!!!!

It sums up Habit 1 of The seven habits too (which btw is my new year resolution). As of today, I am doing a completely bad job of my resolution but I will strive to improve.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Winters rock!

I love winters. It is my favorite season of the year. I love the late sunrises and the early sunsets. I love the winter foods- oranges, strawberries, grapes, the green leafy vegetables.Now a confirmed Surti, I love the undhiyo and the paunk too. I love my teeth chattering when it is cold. Beats sweating any day!!

And yesterday night, I got a chance to spend a lovely winter evening and a night at the school. Caught the sun while it was setting- a dark pink colour which painted the whole sky an orange and a pink hue. Enjoyed a bonfire and a shadow puppet show by our talented dance teacher and watched the stars in the sky. Finally, crashed into a tent with 4 very feisty 5 year olds who amazed me with their vocabulary like "weight put on kiya", "family friends hain", etc . Could an evening be more perfect?

No fancy resolutions for 2009..

No bulleted list either...
Nor the usual suspects "Will lose weight", "will exercise 5 days a week", "will read one new book every month" etc too..
Just one resolution "Be proactive" and the rest shall fall in place.

Welcome 2009! You are just 2 days old and you are already rocking for me :)