Saturday, January 3, 2009

Winters rock!

I love winters. It is my favorite season of the year. I love the late sunrises and the early sunsets. I love the winter foods- oranges, strawberries, grapes, the green leafy vegetables.Now a confirmed Surti, I love the undhiyo and the paunk too. I love my teeth chattering when it is cold. Beats sweating any day!!

And yesterday night, I got a chance to spend a lovely winter evening and a night at the school. Caught the sun while it was setting- a dark pink colour which painted the whole sky an orange and a pink hue. Enjoyed a bonfire and a shadow puppet show by our talented dance teacher and watched the stars in the sky. Finally, crashed into a tent with 4 very feisty 5 year olds who amazed me with their vocabulary like "weight put on kiya", "family friends hain", etc . Could an evening be more perfect?

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