Sunday, June 28, 2009

Recent Reads

I have read a few interesting books in 2009. Here is my top-of- mind recall:L
1. The Zoya factor: Rating 3/ 5. A chicklit by Anuja Chauhan and makes every woman (even sensible, practical ones like me) go weak in the knees. I read and re-read this book and then outgrew it. Just like crushes one has when one is in the teens- Obsess about it over a week and then realise "ah!I am meant for something much better"!!

2. The last song of dusk- I had 2 reasons of buying this book:
1. Because I was intrigued by the character's last name "Pathwardhan" and I thought I might find Marathi roots in this book. Was mistaken but could connect to Mumbai of the days of yore.
2. Because I am such a sucker for anything of the pre-independence India!

The book is ok, haunting but finally drags on a bit and I had to litereally skim through the last pages for it to finish,

3. Esio Trot: Read it while picking up books for the kids but such a cute love story. I just loved this tiny book!!

4. Eat. Pray. Love: Read it after reading a review of it on Rashmi Bansal's blog. And also because I am also such a sucker for anything related to yoga and spirituality. Nice read!!!

5. Also read a lot of kids' books like "smile crocodile smile", "no more diapers", "baby first words" and such other books for Sunay...