Thursday, July 23, 2009

Surya Namaskar.. Chandra Namaskar!!

Since it would happen only once in my lifetime, I had to see it- the total solar eclipse.
Did I see it? No! Was I disappointed? Not much!
You know why... because the moment itself was magical. Getting up at 4 am and reaching school by 5 am... Entering office at 5 am.. and for once, enjoying the yellow lights in my office which I otherwise detest.. watching children and teachers fresh and alert at 5:30 am... climbing a shaky ladder to go to the school terrace... watching a variety of birds flying in the early morning sky (I tell you.. you will not find too many worms around here.. there are too many early birds to catch them) and then the best moment of all.. see the day turn into night and back to day in 4 minutes flat!!!
All the other moments in that day will happen many times again but the light to darkness to light miracle... only once in a lifetime and priceless!!

Om suryaya namaha and om chandray namah!!!

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