Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hibernation ends!!

My sis recently complimented me on how I could manage blogging when Sunay was 2 months old. Thats when I realized that I have not managed to blog since that.

So, I now officially welcome myself back to the world of blogging..!!!

While in Delhi recently, I was discussing with cousins on government, governance, poverty etc etc. That time, Vardan and I spoke about how Surat really has an efficient government and municipal corporation. Vardan also spoke about the slum rehabilitation housing schemes that we see in various places in Surat. Such schemes have been misused or unused in places like Delhi, Mumbai etc. I recently happen to pass by such a slum rehabilitation housing society close to where I stay. It was such a pleasant surprise! It was clean, well maintained, nice garden, lawn and the best part of all- a day care center. Very very impressive! I felt pretty good about living in Surat at that moment!!!

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