Thursday, March 12, 2009

Interesting places..

Whenever I travel, I am completely awestruck! Be it harsh, grey but beautiful Ladakh, the green, verdant mountains of Uttaranchal, the deserts of Kutch, the backwaters of Kerala, the tea estates in North East India or the beautiful Konkan coast, I love my India!
2009 seems to be a happening year for traveling. I visited Jodhpur last month and visited Mehrangarh fort. It is breathtakingly beautiful and very professionally managed.
And this week, I visited Benaras- a place in a time warp. This is the first time that I have been to Uttar Pradesh (I mean, I had visited Mussorie when it was in UP not Uttaranchal but i am not counting that.

My most memorable part of the visit was the early morning boat ride on the Ganga river. There are some 84 ghats in Benaras- one lined after the another and each one with its own story. The most happening ghat was where a group of yogis guided by a firangi yoga instructor were doing the surya namaskar (like it is meant to be done, not the power yoga style or some modernised version of it). I would love to do that one day. Just next to these people, a fellow was dressed up like Lord Shiva and apparently doing aarti but to me it looked like tandav !!

I would have loved to sail along the Ganga to see what each Ghat had in store for me but I think I will do that some other time.


Abhi said...

You and Vardan Sir have changed my life . Someday , when I am more complete , I will mail you on the details .

I wish a lot of happiness to all of you :)

IIM C 2006 batch ( We IIM lots cant just introduce ourselves without it :) )

Kau said...

I remember Benares too .. quite and reflective like a dream, colorful and inspiring like a ritual, brown like the earth, blue like the river and a world of its own, on its own. A time warp. I am glad you liked it too. Another thing we have in common.
Hope you are well.

Vinay said...

I really love to read your writings in the blog. They are inspiring and interesting. Keep writing often. Can you give me a name of book that inspired you most.
